Monday, September 30, 2019

Management Information System in Marketing Information System Essay

Market information system may be defined as factual knowledge about the action, antecedents or consequences of social actors outside or inside the firm and the environment in which they operate. Social actors are as consumers, completions, employee, institutions, suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, govt. bodies and NGO’s. The environment actors are physical, technological, economic, legal and social taboos. Marketing decision support system (MKDSS) is an information system that helps with decision making in the formation of a marketing plan. The reason for using a MKDSS is because it helps to support the software vendors’ planning strategy for marketing products; it can help to identify advantageous level of pricing, advertising spending, and advertising copy for the firm’s products. This helps determines the firm marketing mix for product software. Various Constitute Are: Consumer behaviour, Aggregate demand, the competition, Political/ Legal/ Social environment, Product consideration, Distribution questions, Pricing consideration, Communication issues and Organizational behaviour. Marketing Information System Marketing Science System: this includes statistical models and analysis, data base, quantitative, analysis, mathematical models and analysis, and product analysis. All these lead to interpretation of analysis and findings to arrive at conclusion and recommendation. Normative System: this system narrates shapes of judgment of an organization what is good or bad, important or unimportant, what action should be or should not be taken in. It is connected to communication system and marketing science system. The normative system translated organizational goals into sub-goals, policies and standards. Output :- The overall output of MIS in the management decision system arrives at policies, rules, procedures and directives with regards to organizing, planning, staffing, executing and controlling. Feed Back :- Feed back on an environment and organization is through the output of marketing information system. However, one cannot specify what information is needed for decision making until an explanatory model of the decision process and the system involved in it are constructed and tested. The marketing information system enables in assessing the managerial information and their feedback effects on environment and organization. This is a continuous process to locate the very open system of marketing in terms of responses to the internal and external pressures.  Computer, electronics, communication and audio video technologies have converged closely to produce a new style of operating business. The tools, the technologies and the well designed solutions and system are available to support all needs of the business. What is needed is an integrated solution out of these technologies and the system offering an enterprise wide management support. Such an integrated solution is called as the En terprise Management System (EMS), which when implemented in an integrated manner for co-ordinated and co-operative function of the business give rise to the Enterprise Management System. Technology Evaluation Factors Client server architecture and its implementation- two tier or three tier. Object orientation in development and methodology. Handling of server and client based data and application logic. Application and use of standards in all the phases of development and in the product. Front end tools and backend data based management system tools or the data, process presentation management. Interface mechanisms: Data transfer, real time access, OLE/ODBC compliance. Use of case tool, screen generators, report writers, screen painter and batch processor. Support system technology like bar coding, EDI, imaging, communication, network. Down loading to PC based packages, MS-Office, Lotus note etc. Operation system and its level of usage in the system. Hardware- software configuration management. Marketing Information System is Information System used in Marketing and management that automate some sales and sales force management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called customer relationship management system. Sales force management system are information system used in marketing and management that automate some sales and sales force management functions. They are frequently combined with a marketing information system, in which case they are often called customer relationship management. Enterprise Management System (EMS) is any of the strategies and technologies employed in the information technology industry for management the capture, strong, security, revision control, retrieval, distribution, preservation and destruction of documents and content. EMS especially  concerns content imported into or generated from within an organization in the course in the course of its operation, and includes the c ontrol of access to this content from outside of the organization’s processes. Marketing management is about finding ways of satisfying customer wants and needs, while achieving organizational objectives or requirements in terms of profit or some other measure of corporate performance. It brings together all customer-impinging resources, such as product design and specification, advertising and other forms of promotion, pricing policy, selling, channels of distribution and physical distribution to achieve this end. These customer-impinging resources are often summarized under four headings and referred to as the four Ps of the marketing mix (price, promotion, place and product). The art or science of marketing management is concerned with making decisions/policies with respect to the elements of the’ marketing mix such that the company’s interface with its markets is both profitable and customer satisfying. Marketing Information Systems The concept of marketing information systems has been around for many years. Early systems were paper-based systems but, with the emergence of computers with large storage capacities and later microcomputers with similar features, marketing information systems have become more â€Å"electronic† in nature. MIS (marketing information systems) can be classified under five headings: Planning systems – which provide information on sales, costs and competitive activity, together with any kind of information which is needed to formulate plans. Control systems – these provide continuous monitoring of marketing activities and enable marketing executives to identify problems and opportunities in the marketplace. At the same time, they permit a more detailed and comprehensive review of performance against plans. Marketing research systems – such systems allow executives to test decision rules and cause/effect hypotheses. This permits the assessment of the effects of marketing actions and encourages improved learning from experience. Monitoring systems – these systems provide management with information  concerning the external environment in which they are operating. One can define a marketing information system as one which scans and collects data from the environment, makes use of data from transactions and operations within the firm and then filters, organizes and selects data before presenting them as information to management. Using a Marketing Information System As we have seen above there are two basic. ingredients to a marketing information system. On the one hand, there is a database or a number of databases containing a variety of data about the firm, its competitors, its markets and the environment. On the other hand, there is the provision of a wide variety of analytical tools capable of exploring the data and turning it into meaningful information for management. When designing a marketing information system a number of important questions need to be answered in the first place. These are: (1) Exactly how much information will be entered in the database? (2) What information will be entered into the database? (3) How will it be entered into the database? (4) How will it be manipulated once it is in the database? (5) To whom will reports be sent? The question of how much information is extremely important. There is always a danger that too much information may be entered. This will only serve to overload management’s information processing abilities. In addition, any data or information which is not used by management is clearly redundant and will be taking up valuable storage space in the information system. From time to time it is necessary to review the information available in the information system and to remove any that is not being used. Creating a â€Å"real world† MIS for those that cannot afford to wait Rather than wait for the dream to materialize, marketers need to improvise. They need a system that enables them to (1) make better decisions and (2) support those decisions with verifiable data. The initial steps of this approach typically involve the following: 1. Look at what systems the company already has in place, 2. Determine what useful marketing information can be gleaned from those systems, 3. Identify the information marketers need that they are not getting from existing systems, 4. Create, or find, additional systems to provide the needed marketing information, 5. Integrate these systems with companywide enterprise systems (if possible and not too costly). 1. Start with the accounting system A good place to start is the business system that every business has – the Accounting system. What information do businesses get from their accounting system that is useful to marketers? 1. Sales 2. Costs/Expenses 3. Profits If the accounting software is well designed and flexible, this information can be sorted in a variety of ways including by (1) Sales person, (2) Product, (3) SKU (stock-keeping-unit), (4) Division or Region, (5) Distribution channel, (6) Reseller, and (7) Season. The information obtained from the accounting system is typically enterprise-wide and at a macro level. It usually does not give marketers, or their bosses, the information necessary to (1) determine the effectiveness of the organization’s marketing efforts; (2) enable it to react quickly to real-time crises and opportunities; or (3) respond rapidly to competitive threats. Some of the information that marketers need from an effective marketing information system includes the following: 1. Marketing strategy feedback (or how well marketing strategies are working) 2. Complaints 3. Compliments (testimonials) 4. New Product ideas 5. Competition information 6. Marketplace changes To capture and properly respond to this information, most marketers need to create a Marketing Information System that augments the macro information provided by their accounting systems. 2. Market Information Form To minimize paperwork, marketers can collect a lot of the information from the above list on a Market Information Form (or its electronic equivalent). The information collected and how this information is used is summarized below. 1. Complaints. Once collected, complaints are distributed to those that can solve the problem quickly. The objective is to turn the negative into a positive and build a stronger relationship with the offended party. The way companies handle complaints can mean the difference between success and failure in an increasingly competitive marketplace. 2. Compliments. After obtaining permission, marketers use compliments in their marketing communications. Nothing is more effective than bona fide testimonials from customers. Copies are also given to sales people so they can put them in their sales notebooks and use them to impress prospects and close business. 3. New Product ideas. These are fed into the company’s new product development system. 4. Competition Information. This is given to sales people to put in their sales notebooks so they can use the data to answer objections and close business (with the caveat of not disparaging competitors) and is fed into the company’s new product development system so that new products can be designed to beat competitors. 5. Strategy feedback. This information is organized by the marketing building blocks (1) corporate image, (2) positioning, (3) product, (4) pricing, (5) distribution, (6) promotion, and (6) marketing information system (yes we need to collect information as to how well our MIS strategies are working). Based on feedback, strategies are adjusted as necessary. A pad of these forms (or an electronic version) is provided to all the contact points including (1) Receptionists and secretaries that answer the phone, (2) Sales people, (3) Customer service people, (4) Repair people, (5) Personnel that respond to inquiries and complaints online and on social media, and (6) accounts receivable (since they often hear about complaints when they try to collect on late invoices). 3. Lead Card Leads are captured on a lead card or its electronic equivalent. Sales people use the lead card to follow up on a prospect’s interest with the objective of closing the sale. In addition to notes of all contacts, there are four main pieces of information that should be captured on the lead card. 1.  Identification of the prospect. If you are selling to a business, most of the information you need is on your contact’s business card. For additional information you need, your lead card should be designed so you can add it with minimal effort. 2. Product interest. The products you typically sell should be pre-listed on the lead card so sales people can quickly check them off. 3. Degree of interest. This is your sales person’s guestimate of how likely the prospect is to buy your product in the current period, which is usually this month. Because the degree of interest is also called â€Å"buying temperature† the metaphor for degree of interest that is often is used is Hot for the most interested leads, Warm for the next most interested leads, and Cool for the least interested. The â€Å"Hot† leads should automatically update another MIS report called the Hot List. 4. Lead source. All promotion that you do should have a unique code so that when the lead is captured, you know what marketing activity generated the lead. This lead source should automatically update another MIS report called the Promotion Effectiveness report. In addition to helping sales people follow up on leads and close business, smart marketers use lead card information for other Marketing Information System purposes, such as the Hot List and Promotion Effectiveness Report described below. 4. Hot List An MIS report called the Hot List contains the following information on â€Å"Hot† leads: 1. Prospect name. This could be a business or individual. 2. Decision makers. This is so the sales person does not waste time talking with the wrong person. 3. Product or project proposed. This is what the prospect wants. 4. Proposal date. This is the date the product proposal and estimate of the cost is given to the prospect. 5. Dollar-amount proposed. This is the price of the product proposed. 6. Percent chance of closing in the current period. To qualify for the Hot List, a Hot lead should have at least a 25% chance of closing in the current period (each company should decide their own minimum threshold for Hot). 7. Expected Value (5 multiplied by 6). If the dollar amount proposed is $10,000 and the % chance of closing is â€Å"guestimated† to be 50%, the expected value would be $5,000. 8. Objections. This lists the objections that are keeping the prospect from buying. Sales managers use the Hot List in two ways. 1. Help close sales. The sales manager helps sales people to close Hot leads by coaching them on how best to answer the Objections in column 8 of the Hot List. 2. Dynamic sales forecast. The sales manager helps to insure that the sum of Expected Values equals, or exceeds, each sales person’s quota for the month. If the expected values are lower than a sales person’s quota, the sales manager can encourage the sales person do whatever is necessary to get more Hot leads on the Hot List so that the sum of Expected Values equals or exceeds the quota. The sales quotas of all the sales people should sum to the â€Å"measurable goal† of the Marketing Plan. 5. Promotion Effectiveness Report As each sales person captures the promotion source for each lead on the Lead Card, the information automatically flows onto his or her Promotion Effectiveness Report. Every time a sales person gives a presentation or makes a sale from a lead, that information is recorded on the Promotion Effectiveness Report. The MIS system automatically adds up the total number of the leads, presentations, and sales company-wide for each promotion source. When compared to the costs of that promotion source, the marketing department can calculate the promotion effectiveness, or ROI, of each promotion. Since totals for leads, presentations, and sales are available in the MIS by sales person, the sales manager can automatically compute the batting average of each sales person and determine the number of leads and presentations each one needs to make his or her sales quota. In this way, the sales manager and the company marketers systematically work together to insure that (1) plan goals are met and (2) the money invested in promotion is not wasted (the ads and promotions that are effective will be repeated and the ones that don’t will be discontinued). 6. Market Research The systems above (Market Information Form, Lead Card, Hot List and Promotion Effectiveness Report) typically capture information in real time and provide a lot of great information that help the marketing function do a more effective job and prove it to the CEO. Even so, this is not enough. There are still holes in the information marketers need. In an effort to plug  these holes, there is one big missing piece – Market Research. There are two big categories of Market Research – Secondary and Primary. 7. Secondary Research Secondary research is simply research done by others. Perhaps the greatest invention for secondary research is the search engine. Marketers can simply type in search terms in a search window and browse the Internet for any data related to those search terms. Furthermore, marketers can set up â€Å"alerts.† That is, search terms can be entered into a search engine so that the search engine’s crawlers will continually search for anything that contains those search terms and send you an email when it finds them. There are so many other sites, which marketers frequent, that provide a wealth of information. Just a few examples include: Media Post, Marketing Sherpa, Brand Channel, Hoovers, the CIA World Factbook, and ClickZ. 8. Primary Research When some big holes remain that still need to be plugged, marketers will often do primary research, which is their own research. Common forms of primary research include surveys, focus groups, experiments, and various forms of crowd sourcing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bias Towards Fathers in Children Custody Decisions Essay

Deciding over children custody has always been a divisive, if not an emotionally laden issue. In most cases however, it is not surprising to see that most court decisions tend to award custody disputes in favor of mothers. At first glance, it may seem that court judges see mothers as naturally better parents. And there are not without good reasons to think why this is so. Mothers, by right of mere logic, are the ones who bring children into the world, and are therefore responsible for carrying and birthing them; so it immediately seems that they will naturally do more for children throughout their lives in order to help and care for them, inasmuch as they have already done much of this work months before children even enter the world. But while these reasons are already in themselves truthful, and are thus often taken by judicial courts as sound premises to support custody decisions in favor of mothers, it cannot be denied that there are certain biases towards fathers that are committed in the process. In many court decisions, it seems axiomatic to say that male persons – fathers, that is – are not being given the same amount of esteem and recognition being accorded to female mothers. This paper thus argues that there is an existing bias towards fathers in the court system that determines custody cases. And while there are many observations to support such a claim, it may be good to cite at least three. Bias Towards Fathers in Children Custody Decisions First, it is quite logical to surmise that the general perception about fathers – and the gender role stereotypes that come with such perception – contributes a lot to why mothers are frequently awarded with children’s custody in many court proceedings, specifically during divorce hearings. Men are not now nor have ever been consistently viewed as suitable caregivers. At the very least, they seem not be as nurturing as mothers. Their sole responsibility is to be destined, it seems, to provide for their family, and not to specifically nurture children. Thus, children and their mothers will always have a stronger attachment because mothers spend much more time caring for the children, whereas the father figure is more often seen to be better suited to be a hardworking, confident, and always providing role model. Besides, it has been argued that, on account of their being relatively unattached both physically and emotionally, divorced fathers â€Å"are more likely to be remarried† than their female counterparts (Ambert, 2005). Second, statistical records point to an indisputable fact that decisions favoring maternal custody of children reveal a lopsided trend. According to a report by the Canadian Department of Justice, 75% of divorce cases finalized by a contested hearing resulted in sole maternal custody and only 8% in sole paternal custody (Pulkingham, 1994). Meanwhile, in a more recent finding, it was observed that in both the United States and Canada, mothers were more likely to be awarded with children’s â€Å"physical custody† over fathers. It was moreover said that only 10-12% of children were ordered to live with their fathers; a trend which has been observed for many years now (Ambert, 2005). Present trends seem to always favor mothers. In fact, Maccoby, Depner and Mnookin affirm that while practical norms suggest that fathers must â€Å"remain involved† with children after divorce, many parents are â€Å"not rejecting the idea that children, particularly very young ones, should have their major residence with their mothers† (cited in Hetherington and Arasteh, ed, 1998, p. 112). Third, legal stipulations governing custody disputes also favor mothers more than fathers on account of certain stereotypes as well. One must note that the judicial system was in principle established to look out for the best interests of the innocent as well as those who are unable to secure basic protection of rights for themselves. Who is thus more in need of a judge’s guidance and assistance than the innocent and naive fully dependent beings as children? While men are not to be totally recognized as selfish beings, there are real problems surrounding their reputation. And it seems that their disgraceful track record pointing to how violent can male persons can become compared to female counterparts – at homes and the larger communities alike – is becoming more and more patent. In fact, â€Å"according to the Vancouver Police Department, of the 135 cases of violence and/or intimidation in intimate relations reported to the VPD in the month of July 1996, 88 percent of the suspects were male, and only 12 percent were female† (Richard, 1996). In marriages and relationships alike, it seems that sooner or later, men are far more likely than women to get violent or at least get verbally aggressive and threatening with their partners and spouses. These phenomena surely influence, one way or another, the creation of significant paternal restrictions in dealing with custody disputes. By Way of Conclusion: How Custody Cases Should Be Decided Drawing from the points that the discussions were able to present, this paper concludes with the thought that paternal custody for children evidently suffers from misjudged perspectives involving restrictive gender roles and stereotypes. The factors that were cited all seem to point to this long-known trend. The numbers have been, and I believe will always be in the favour of women – that women out of personal want or societal onus will always feel the urge to be more of the parent and provider for their children. But custody cases should be decided not on account of existing gender role assignment or biased stereotypes against the male gender. On the contrary, custody disputes must be decided upon without any compromise to the equal footing each parent – whether male or female – must be accorded in the process. Both parents must be accorded with equal time for visitation, residence and financial support; inasmuch as both parents are responsible for the well being of their children despite the failure in marital union. Works Cited Ambert, A. (2005). Divorce: Facts, Causes and Consequences. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://www. vifamily. ca/library/cft/divorce_05. html#Custody Maccoby, E. , Depner, C. , and Mnookin, R. â€Å"Custody of Children Following Divorce† in Mavis Hetherington and Josephine Arasteh, editors. (1988) Impact of Divorce, Single Parenting and Stepparenting on Children. Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pulkingham, J. (1994) â€Å"Contested Custody Claims in Canada†. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 9, 73-97. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://fathersforlife. org/millar/custody. htm. Richard, C. (1996). â€Å"Vancouver Police Department, ‘Violence and Intimidation Against Women in Relationships: January to July 1996’† as compiled by Margaret Denike & Agnes Huang (1998). Myths and Realities of Custody and Access. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://www. harbour. sfu. ca/freda/reports/myths. htm.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Old Woman.

The poem is highly symbolic and very common placed in it's subject matter. The poet was impressed by the temple of Kandoba at Jajori and the poem is thus against this setting. â€Å"An Old Woman† is a graphic picture of a beggar woman. Having lost the promises of her past, she is reduced to her present state. As the speaker views her squarely, he, in a sort of ‘revelation', becomes aware of the decay which has set in her person and which is extended to the decaying tradition symbolized by the hills and the temples. Without using many words, the old woman forces the narrator to look at her from closed quarters.It is then that he realizes the hypocrisy of society and the decadence of the social system that has ruined the old woman to a beggar. he finds that the social fabric is destroyed, architectural features go into ruins. Human values are forgotten. The old woman's condition reduces the narrator to a small status when he feels as insignificant as that small coin in her hand. This poem humbles us to remember our responsibility to society. It reveals the callousness, a failure on our part to take care of the elderly, protect our heritage and preserve our values.In the rush of materialism and the desire to achieve, one takes all that one can from society, but giving the same back is largely forgotten. So the cracking hills, crumbling temples, crumbling of social order is directly a result of our negligence, our failure to act responsibly. Somewhere, the materialistic world has made man selfish, trapping him in a race to accumulate. When society has to face this onslaught, cracks appear, but selfish man forgets to repair the cracks, forgets to salvage lost values, thereby creating a dilapidated social fabric†¦.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Knowledge Management and information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Knowledge Management and information - Essay Example In fact, as a medium sized organization currently employing 100 individuals, it is even more important that our company manage this knowledge exactly because we lack the market share and resources that large corporations have at their disposal. Therefore, at BioPack we need to be more responsive, more flexible, and make better decisions in order to sustain and grow in our industry. Managing knowledge will be primary in our quest to achieve these goals. So, we need to ask ourselves what exactly constitutes knowledge. We must define this concept before we can start managing this information. According to Neil Fleming in his paper Coping with a Revolution: First, data is meaningless by itself, meaningless without some context that references it within space and time. The pieces of data may indeed represent information, yet we need to understand this data for it to be deemed informative. Moreover, the extent of understanding is based on the amount of associations discernable within the data collected. Thus, information is simply an understanding of the relationships between any collected set of data. And while this information provides us with a basic understanding of relationships between data sets, it fails to provide us with either future predictions or an understanding of why the data appears the way it does. So, this data collection we now deem information fails to provide knowledge. However, when a pattern emerges within this information, knowledge is possible. Patterns, unlike collected data or information, are seldom static but rather self-contextualizing. And when patterns are properly understood, we can predict with reliabili ty how that pattern will change over a period of time. This is the embryonic stage of changing our information into a form of knowledge. When one attains a clear understanding of the underlying principles that make up these patterns that are the basis for knowledge, wisdom, or wise decisions within the workplace become possible. It is important to note that the sequence just mentioned-data-information-knowledge-wisdom does not occur in discrete stages of development. It does not take place locked up in one of our laboratories. It is ongoing, and at any given time we might be better or somewhat worse in our understanding of that data. The quality of our understanding will be key in accomplishing our goal or mission statement: To create a workplace environment that encourages new ideas and new ways of solving problems in order to stimulate innovation and synergism in the creation of new products. To continually delight the customer with our quality, and to be a leader in biotechnology research. Still, all knowledge is not created equal. According to Michael Polanyi, one type of knowledge may be classified as explicit or formal knowledge, or that which can be articulated through language among individuals. The other type is deemed tacit or informal knowledge, and is rooted in individual experience, personal belief, and individual values (The Tacit Dimension 10). As

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Universalization of Christianity Through Repetition and Essay

Universalization of Christianity Through Repetition and Differentiation in Sandro Boticelli's Primavera - Essay Example Over their heads hang many oranges, and at the feet of the party is a field of various flowers, all of different colors and shapes. One of the most immediate formal aspects of this work is the obvious well balanced and symmetrical repetition of many different colors, forms and lines, which, when combined with the Christian implication of several of the symbols of the work, create a universalizing image of Christianity. The repetition in this work begins with the plants that grow above and below the main scene. The trees are dotted with oranges, bright colored fruit that create a star-like pattern over the roof of the party, which is mirrored by the flowers on the floor. These sprinkling of bright colors recall the expanse of the universe and the night sky, and begin creating the idea of this as a universal representation. Following the lines of these fruit trees behind the party of figures draws the viewers attention to the ground, which is likewise full of star-like clusters. These clusters are made of flowers, which, while homogenous at a distance and in creating the effect of repetition, are in fact extraordinarily varied. Each of the flowers is brightly colored, reinforcing the star-like pattern caused by the oranges hanging overhead, but when examined closer it becomes apparent that each has its own particular form and color, and is not like any of the others. This further reinforces that the painting expresses the whole of creation, both in its expanse, through the repetition of bright, star like patterns, and through the specific, with a huge amount of individual flair still being represented in the homogenous whole. The setting of this painting, through its repetition of bright colors, recalls the whole of creation. The symmetry of both the horizontal and the vertical axis also serve this purpose, allowing the viewer to imagine that the expanse continues on all sides in a similarly diverse but congruent way. This repetition is carried through the figure s in the painting as well, with Venus serving as the central axis over which the repetition is made. There is repetition in color, with figures on both the left and the right of Venus, as well as the red of Mercury’s tunic being mirrored in Venus’s. Finally, there is a compositional symmetry in the sole adult male figures, Zephyrus and Mercury, both being on the outside of the painting serving as the boundary of the image. The purpose of all of this repetition of is to create a universalizing effect, but what, if anything, is Botticelli trying to universalize? To understand this it is important to look at the symbolism of the painting. The Putto over Venus’s head serves as a dual symbol – it is both a Christian symbol with associations of heaven (in having innocence, angelic wings etc), while also being a common Roman motif. Venus serves a similar double role – she is obviously the Roman goddess of romance and birth, but here she also serve as a st and-in for Mary. The leaf patterns and archway over her head both serve to draw attention to her and create a halo effect, mirroring the kind of halo that Mary is often depicted with, while her pregnant-looking belly recalls the birth, something else Mary is frequently associated with. Her hand seems to be raised in benediction. Her white dress symbolizes innocence, while the red cloak hanging over her lower half

Value Stream Analysis (VSM) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Value Stream Analysis (VSM) - Research Paper Example Due to the very broad range and depth of such a definition, this particular approach is one that seeks to gain a level of inference from a high degree of different inputs and correlate these to the overall ability/profitability/efficiency that a particular business entity reflects. Although aspects of this particular method of analysis have been utilized within other forms of business analysis, value stream analysis is one of the only methods of measure that are able to encapsulate each of these determinants in one simple panel local overview. As a function of seeking to understand value stream analysis to a greater degree, the following essay will discuss what typically defines the value stream analysis, the means of application, when they should be utilized, why they should be utilized, the in effects of utilizing value stream management within a given corporation/business entity the results of utilizing value stream management, and the overflow impacts in comparison to other strat egies that might exist as compared to values stream analysis within the business environment. As a function of this level of analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader will come to a more profound and actionable appreciation for the fact that this particular approach is both useful and efficient in helping to define and differentiate some of the core strategies that should be approached with regards to ensuring that a profitable, efficient, and realistic scheme of inputs is utilized to bring the product to the consumer market. One of the first steps in seeking to utilize value stream analysis as an actionable way to improve efficiency and/or profitability that a given business entity can promote to the end consumer is by targeting the actual product/product lines/or business unit that will be responsible for tabulating and considering these inputs. Not only is this ineffective in accomplishing any particular goal, it reduces the importance and/or relevance of the inform ation that it is capable of providing. This is obviously due to the fact that an overarching level of analysis of a given business entity provides an ineffective basis by which business decisions and key input utility can be inferred (Bevilacqua et al, 2008). A secondary component of value stream analysis that is oftentimes overlooked is with respect to the fact that it must necessarily be performed at the lowest level of the firm; at the point where the basic inputs come into the business entity and are processed in one way or another in preparation to create the final product or service to provide the end consumer. Thirdly, once these inputs have been tabulated and understood, the current situation must be analyzed so that any existing waste or ineffective procedures can be trimmed. Fourthly, the step that oftentimes poses the greatest level of difficulty for the firm or business entity that seeks to integrate with such a process is with regards to seeking to improve upon the weak nesses or inefficiencies that have thus far been noted. Once this is understood and effected, the fifth and final step is to implement these and work towards future profitability and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critique art piece in an analytical and historical context Essay

Critique art piece in an analytical and historical context - Essay Example This master piece has a unique history as it was a wedding gift from Raphael to his close friend Lorenzo Nasi whose house was completely ruined by an earthquake and this master piece was broken into seventeen pieces. It was refurbished in 2008 by Patrizia Riitano, however, the visibility of the damage is still be seen. The title of the Art selected for the study is â€Å"Madonna of the Goldfinch†. This beautiful picture was painted by one of the great painters and architect, Raffaello Sanzio. This great picture was made by â€Å"Oil on Wood† during 1505-1506. It has a dimension of 107  cm Ãâ€"  77  cm (42  in Ãâ€"  30  in). The selected art was made on â€Å"Florentine Art† which was extremely unique at that time in Europe. This master piece is present in the Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence. This great painter was born on 6th April 1483 in Urbino Italy. He lost both of his parents at the age of four. It was painted by him at the age of 23.Majority of his work was primarily done in Vatican. If analyzed closely, Rafaello’s work consisted of three different phases i.e. this work in early phase was under the influence of his teacher, the second phase reflects his city work for four years and the final was the par excellence period where he produced his classy work. His work boomed especially when he approached â€Å"The Florentine Art Circles† (Bossy et al., 2001). Raffaello Sanzsio was famous for his elegance and beauty that is why well respected and loved widely from pope to women. The death took him at very early age of thirty seven however his artist work remained alive and divine for the generations to come. The master piece with the natural eye is a treat to watch. It is even more pleasure to see if someone read the history about the painted pitcher; from the eye to describe the picture depicts the personnel namely Mary, Christ, and John Baptist which is a beautiful miniature

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal Management Framework Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Personal Management Framework - Research Paper Example Scientific Era As the industrial era began to take hold, Frederick W. Taylor and his scientific, mathematical methods and philosophy led the way for many others in how these methods applied to gaining worker efficiencies (Locke, 1982; Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2003). Crain (2003) says that Taylor was noted for his scientific approach, his ability to solve problems, and his ability to invent things. His thought was that â€Å"measurement increased productivity† (p. 45). In one example, the test subject â€Å"increased production by 400 per cent while receiving 60 percent more in pay†. Taylor became well known for carrying a stopwatch, but he believed that money is what truly motivated the worker. Hodgetts’ (1995) study of ten U.S. organizations against Taylor’s principles and found that â€Å"each in its own way used Taylor’s four principles to help focus their total quality management strategy† (p. 218). Henry Gantt worked closely w ith Taylor. Gantt brought a human quality into the scientific side of Taylor’s work. Gantt developed a bonus pay structure for the employee who completed their piece rate work for the day and was able to complete more than the assigned tasks. With Gantt’s methods of the use of incentives for employees production was doubled (Noe et al., 2003). Frank Gilbreth was known for establishing the hope of finding the one best (most efficient) way to do any and every task. The administrative perspective builds on the scientific perspective by focusing on the structure of the entire organization rather than the individual job or task of the single employee and then looking for efficiency. The major theorists of an administrative perspective that are discussed here are Fayol, Weber, Gulick, and Urwick. Henri Fayol started out in a French coal-mining company (Crainer, 2003). Fayol took the perspective of the organizational view, but was also concerned with the need to gain efficien cy. He is famous for identifying the major functions of management: leading, organizing, and controlling. Max Weber is known as the father of bureaucracy. He developed the characteristics of the bureaucracy, such as labor, rules, regulations, hierarchy, and impersonal relationships. Gulick and Urwick worked together to develop POSDCORB or planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting (Noe et al., 2003). Gulick and Urwick focused their theories on the administrative function of the managerial role and how the better efficiencies could be gained by the manager doing their personal best. The administrative perspective had a significant impact on the personal management framework developed in this report. Humanistic Era While the scientific methods were being put in place and were in place the human element in the workplace was secondary. Management did not care how the worker was feeling at the end of the day. There were no regulations on the length of a work day or the number of breaks employees were entitled to. The company could demand and get whatever it wanted from the workers at that time, if that person wanted a job. Then the stock market crash came, followed by the Great Depression, and World War II. Pro-union legislation came about during The Humanistic Era. The concept of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Columbus in History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Columbus in History - Research Paper Example The paper tells that the first contact that Columbus had with the Arawak’s was when he first landed at their beach on that Friday morning. He with his men observed that the ‘natives’, as he had yet to establish their cultural affiliation were, were Godless and very friendly people. From Columbus’ perspective, he was more intent on discovering new territories and gold for his king. He constantly talks of how he sights ‘new lands’ and keeps his thoughts on exploring these lands for purposes of conquering them for his kings occupation and his interest in these people is geared towards actualising this mission. He states that: â€Å"When we stepped ashore we saw fine green trees, streams everywhere and different kinds of fruit. I called to the two captains to jump ashore with the rest, who included Rodrigo de Escobedo, secretary of the fleet, and Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia, asking them to bear solemn witness that in the presence of them all I was taking possession of this island for their Lord and Lady the King and Queen, and I made the necessary declarations which are set down at greater length in the written testimonies†. He observed that they were poor people in all respects based on their appearance and wore no form of clothing. Columbus being a Christian was quick to observe that these people could be easily converted to Christianity as they seemed bright and intelligent. He formed a bias against them based on the misconception that they thought he and his men were from ‘heaven’ and due to their obvious rudimentary social organisation and technological endowment; he thought he was better than them. He alludes to this by recording in his log that they would make good servants. 2 Explain why contact with Columbus is often cited as the beginning of history in the "New World" despite evidence of contact with other peoples and cultures in periods that predated Columbus. Columbus’ contact with the ne w world is often described as the beginning of the history of the new world because he was the first European documented explorer to set foot on the new world. His was a sanctioned exploration and he managed to keep records of the entire expedition through his log. Ideally, he is not the first ‘outsider’ to interact with the new world because recent anthropological and archaeological discoveries have unearthed the fact that there were human interactions with the new world from outsiders earlier than Columbus’ expedition. Traces of the great Vikings have been in areas of the new world that indicate they might have come here earlier than Columbus did. The only difference with Columbus is that he provided a detailed log and took back samples from the new world that spurred the interests of other explorers and this might even be said sparked off the scramble for the new world in a way. 3 Please explain how the histories and lives of very different indigenous communit ies are often subsumed by their identities as "Indians?" Please include a discussion of what is not included and if the differences between indigenous peoples are overshadowed by the historic "Indian" identity. When Columbus set out to discover a better route to the East Indies, he completely missed the mark and landed on another part of the world that was new to him. However he believed that he probably had landed in another part of the East Indies and he thus named all these people he found there as Indians. Due to the nature of his expedition he could not spend enough time with these indigenous people to distinguish who was who and what was the relation between these people and most importantly whether there were any significant differences between these people to warrant their classification as different peoples. It is only much later that missionaries and dedicated anthropologists

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Finance And Families Essay Example for Free

Finance And Families Essay The population heterogeneity theory forecasts that, stress resistance is closely attached to mortality. Accordingly, persons in a population who pass away prematurely in life will likely be individuals who are less resistant to environmental stresses. Those persons with a high longetivity are those individuals who are very resistant, and these persons as a grouping might have an extremely gradually increasing rate of mortality, yielding an estimated mortality level while the less- resistant clusters pass away. (Viano, E, 1992) Two different perspectives on the causes of marital violence: (Viano, E, 1992, p. 158) i.Feminist perspective: This perspective argues that, violence in the family is created by a patriarchal society in which the power of the male dominates. Historically, marital violence is viewed as been condoned by values as well as norms in the society. Consequently, one of the concrete subjects that the battered woman’s faction is confronted with is defying the tendency of the psychological health profession to renounce a feminist analysis.   ii.Sociological perspective: This perspective argues that, physical violence is not a manifestation of individual pathology. However; it is an essential feature of human association. Physical violence is viewed as almost normal and widespread, in other words, statistically common and ethnically accepted, feature of family life. Therefore, environmental interferences and social system are thought suitable. What is â€Å"double jeopardy† risk regarding women being victims of marital violence? â€Å"Double jeopardy† refers to individuals who are more at danger than the general populace since they are fatalities of other types of oppression: The following groups of females are at risk: (Viano, E, 1992) Ø   Disabled women and girls:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled girls are four times more probable (than the nationwide standard) to be sexually maltreated.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Approximately 53% of women who have been disabled since birth have been maltreated, raped or physically attacked.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Approximately 83% of disabled women will be sexually or physically attacked. Ø   Aboriginals /First states:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An approximated 57% of indigenous females have been sexually maltreated.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The rate of sexual abuse in children in a number of aboriginal societies is as elevated as 75 to 80 % for young women below the age of 8 years. Ø   Fresh Canadians:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dread of the police as well as fear of being exiled frequently keep expatriates and migrant females from reporting family mistreatment. (a)What is child abuse? Child abuse is the emotional/mental or physical ill-treatment of children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes child mistreatment as every act or sequence of taking action or omission or commission by a care giver, parent or other close relative that results in injury, potential injury, or treat of injury to a child. The majority of child abuse takes place in a child’s residence, with a lesser amount taking place in the schools, associations or groups of people the child intermingles with. There are four main types of child abuse: sexual abuse, emotional/mental abuse as well as physical abuse. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) (b)The prevalence of child abuse in the United States: According to the 1997 American National Committee to prevent child abuse, neglect represented approximately 54% of established incidences of child abuse, corporal abuse 22%, sexual exploitation 8%, and additional forms of mistreatment 12%. A report on the well-being of the child by UNICEF affirmed that, the United States ranked lowest amongst developed countries with reverence to the welfare of children. This investigation also established that child abuse and child neglect are far more widespread in families with a single parent than in family units with both parents. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) A study recently carried out by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention established that, approximately 1 in 50 babies in the United States are fatalities of nonfatal maltreatment or neglect. In the U.S, neglect is described as the failure to meet up the fundamental wants of the children comprising food, clothes, shelter as well as access to health care. Researchers established more than 91 000 incidences of neglect within a span of one year (beginning October 2005-September, 2006) with their information emanating from a list of cases authenticated by protective services organizations. (Franchi, C, 1987, p. 1) 5. The concepts and principles f Social Learning Theory:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The social learning theory is the theory that people are taught novel behavior through punishment or explicit reinforcement, or through observational studying of their environment’s social actors. If individuals observe optimistic, desired results in the observed conduct, they are more probable to emulate, adopt or model the conduct themselves. (Akers, R, 2009) Social learning theory is obtained from Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904)’s work which suggested that social learning takes place through four major stages of limitation: (Akers, R, 2009) à ¼Ã‚   Comprehending of concepts à ¼Ã‚   Imitation of seniors. à ¼Ã‚   Close contact. à ¼Ã‚   Role model conduct. REFERENCE LIST Akers, R. (2009) Social Learning and Social Structure: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. Transaction Publishers.ISBN:1412809991, 9781412809993. Franchi, C. (1987) Child abuse and its consequences: observational approaches. CUP Archive. ISBN: 0521316146, 9780521316149. Viano, E. (1992) Intimate violence: interdisciplinary perspectives. Taylor Francis. ISBN: 560322446, 9781560322443.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Packet Classification: Problem and Resolution

Packet Classification: Problem and Resolution INTRODUCTION This chapter covers the introduction to packet classification. Problems for packet classification, objectives to overcome the problem involved in packet classification, motivation to do the project on packet classification and also the organization of the project. The development of the internet grows for every year, because of the easy access of the internet. The gain of the internet can be obtained through the smartphones, netbooks, notebooks. For processing the packets, network processor is used, and it will carry out the tasks as to convert the packets into fragments, reassembling these fragments, forwarding, encryption and packet classification. Due to increased line rates, pressure is increased on line rates and it in turn pressure on network processor. The pressure can be relieved in two ways: By inserting more processing cores and it increases power consumption. Increasing the clock speed, but it creates difficulty due to the physical limitation in the silicon. So that it can be relieved in two different ways: Insert the clock gating, which reduces the power consumption. Insert the buffer, to form the pipelining and it also increases the speed. 1.1  PROBLEM DEFINITION Network processors are getting more strain, due to more use of internet and the strain needs to be reduce. To give the security for the network packets. To minimize the power required for packet classification. To achieve high speed and also high throughput for packet classification. 1.2  OBJECTIVES Understood the concept of hypercut algorithm for packet classification and also analyzed the flow chart for packet classification. Understood the verilog code and Xilinx tool. Wrote the verilog code for hypercut algorithm. The simulation results for hypercut algorithm is verified in Xilinx tool. Clock gating circuit is inserted in the architecture of the classifier, it reduces the power consumption. Pipelining concept is used in proposed architecture of the classifier and the simulation results are verified in Xilinx. 1.3  MOTIVATION The network traffic is doubling for each six to nine months. Also traditional algorithms are not supporting the increasing network traffic on core and edge devices. Large number of rulesets: Due to increased access of the network, the more services need to be implement in network device, so that more number of rules are needed. It creates the difficulty for classifying the packets. Flexibility: Traditional algorithms are particularly designed for IPV4, so that novel solutions are required to manage both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses. Scalability: As the network services are increasing, there is requirement to add or delete the rules. So that, good scalability is required for packet classification. 1.4  Organization of the thesis The thesis contains 6 chapters Chapter 1, it will covers the introduction of packet classification, problems involved in packet classification, objective to the packet classification and motivation for choosing the packet classification. Chapter 2, it will covers the basics of existing packet classification and also the basics of proposed packet classification. Chapter 3, it will covers the method used to do the packet classification, proposed architecture and also it tells how proposed architecture is better compared to previous algorithms. Chapter 4, it discusses the simulation the simulation results obtained for existing and proposed architecture of the classifier. Chapter 5, it covers the conclusion and future scope of the project. Chapter 6, It lists the reference papers used for literature review of the packet classification. Chapter 2 BASICS It covers the basics of packet classification. It also explains the structure of packet header, brief introduction to internet, the mode of information transmission through the internet, OSI layers, the type of matching, software and hardware implementation of packet classification , Clock gating and pipelining are also discussed. It also covers the review of different packet classification algorithms, by reading this the user can select the algorithm, which is best suit for his application. The internet is a global system. It is consists of inter connected computer networks, which uses the protocols(TCP/IP), to match several billion devices all over the world. It is also termed as networks of network. Access of internet is a process of connecting mobile devices, computers and computer terminals to the internet. Internet access will enables the users to access the internet services such as email and world wide web. Using various technologies, internet service providers will access the internet. A packet is a formatted unit of data, which is carried by the packet switched network. By formatting of the data, the bandwidth of communication medium can be increased. The structure of the packet contains the two varieties of data Control information User data 2.1  Control information This will provide the information, on where to send the data. Example, It provides the source and destination IP addresses, sequencing information and error codes. Fig 2.1 shows the structure of the packet Fig 2.1 structure of the packet 2.2  Payload The maximum size of the packet is 64 K bytes. The payload of the packet is variable. Example IPV4 typically adds the 20 bytes of payload to every packet. The packet is passed through the network using three devices such as hub, switch and router. 2.3  The modes of information transmission through the internet 2.3.1  Hub Hub is a central device, for which all other devices are connected. It is called the star system. It is very simple, when any device sends the data, it will send the data to all other devices and all other devices needs to decide whether the data is belonging to them, if it is not belonging to them, they will ignore it. It will present in physical layer. Fig 2.3.1 shows the structure of the hub. . Fig 2.3.1 shows the structure of the hub 2.3.2  Switch The switch is smarter compared to hub. First it creates the table, which records the IP/MAC addresses of the devices(PC’s) connected together. At the start, when any device sends the data, that time switch will not be knowing the destination IP addresses. So it will forwards the packets to all other devices, which are connected to it and it also records the IP address of the device. Next when packet belonging to those destination IP addresses comes, it will directly forward the packets to destination devices It is present in data link layer of OSI layer. Fig 2.3.2 shows the structure of the switch. 2.3.3  Router It is the smartest device compared to hub and switch. The router will record the address of all the devices which are connected to it. The router will read the information present in packet header and it will decide , where the packet needs to be sent and how to process the packet. It provides the security. While in hub, switch the destination IP address is known, hacker may hack the destination device, it will consider both destination and source IP address of the devices and it will decide whether the source device is hacker or not. If it is hacker, it will deny the packet. Fig 2.3.3 shows the structure of router. Fig 2.3.3 shows the structure of router. 2.4 OSI LAYERS It consist of seven layer Application layer Presentation layer Session layer Transport layer Network layer Data link layer Physical layer The Fig 2.4 for OSI model is shown below as Fig 2.4 OSI layers Application layer: This layer will provide the interface to application programmes. Presentation layer: In this layer , it converts the data from system specific format to the format which is suitable for application. It also provides encryption and compression. Session layer: Which facilitates the starting, managing and ending of connection between the two nodes. Ex: For a video session, it will synchronize the related stream of data such as audio and video. Transport layer: It will break the data into segments It will decide about how much information can be sent to email server and how much information can be received back. The responsibility of transport layer are: Reliability Flow control Fragmentation Network layer: Here the segments are broken into packets by adding the source and destination IP address to them. Next the packets are sent to data link layer. Here router is working in this layer. Data link layer: In this layer, the packets are broken into the frames, which are created for the specific network. The frames are assigned the address of two nodes, the data is moving in between. Physical layer: The frames given by the data link layer are converted into bits in physical medium. UDP: User datagram protocol It is light weight and connectionless. Advantages: The packet size is small. UDP header- 8 bytes TCP header- 20 bytes There is no requirement to create and maintain the connection. It has more control over the data Disadvantages: It does not provide error recovery. It does not compensate for lost data packets. Packets can arrive at out of order, so that data loses meaning. There is no control of congestion. Transmission control Protocol: It is reliable and connection based. Advantages: It delivers the acknowledgements. It provides retransmission. It provides in order delivery. It will delays the transmission when the network is busy. It provides error recovery. Disadvantages: It has bigger header. It doesn’t always get sent out quickly. It is the side effect of congestion. It has bigger overhead. UDP is message oriented It sends the data in distinct chunks. Ex: Email. For multimedia applications, UDP is used, because of these reasons as: It has less overhead. Data loss can be masked. UDP is used in small transmission. It is also used in bandwidth intensive applications, that tolerate packet loss. TCP is stream oriented It can be used in continuous flow of data. Ex: Phone conversation. For text communication, TCP is better. Ex: File transfers, Remote access. TCP is used when delivery acknowledgement are needed. In physical layer, information is transmitted in bit stream using hub. In data link layer information is transmitted in frames using switches. In network layer information is transmitted in packets using router. A router is a device that forwards the packet. A router is connected between two networks namely LAN’s or WAN’s. network processors are specialized CPU, which is optimized to support the implementation of network protocols at maximum speed. The function of network processor is to carry out the tasks such as packet separation, reassembly, encryption and classification. Packet classification is the process of categorizing the packets into flows in internet router. Packet will be classified in network layer. Packet has five fields as shown in fig Source IP address: It indicates the IP address of the sender . Destination IP address: It indicates the IP address of the destination. Source port: It indicates the port number of sender. Destination port: It indicates the port number of destination. Protocol: Which specifies the type of transport packet being carried. The incoming packet to router will matches the specific rule if the distinct field in the packet will match corresponding field in the rule. There are three matches Exact match: The values present in rule field header are same as the values present in packet header. Prefix match: The values of rule field header are prefix for header fields of the packet. Range match: The packet header field values must be lie in the range which is specified by the rule. 2.5  The types of packet classification algorithms Packet classification algorithm can be implemented in two major types Software based Hardware based 2.5.1  Software Implementation This can be used with general purpose processor and network processor. The software based algorithm can be divided into two types as Field dependent Algorithm Field independent Algorithm Field Independent Algorithm: For each field in the rule, these algorithms will build the index table separately. Ex: RFC Field dependent Algorithm: In these algorithm, the fields of the rule will be matched in dependent manner and there is no need to group the result in final stage. The memory requirement for these algorithms is less than field independent algorithms. Ex: Hypercut, Hicut 2.5.2  Hardware based implementation This is used with ASIC or with FPGA. This implementation is used with internet routers for the high speed that supports to handle the packet. The reasons to use software implementation Programmability: ASIC architectures has small Programming capacity, Because ASICs have special design. Special chips: To accelerate the packet processing speed, special chips called TCAMS are used. The proposed algorithm uses clock gating circuit to reduce power consumption and pipelining to increase the speed. 2.6  Clock gating Clock gating is a technique, which is used in synchronous circuits to minimize the power consumption. This technique is used to prune the clock, it disables the port of the circuitary, so that flip flops present in the circuitry will not switch the states. When switching is absent, the dynamic power consumption is reduced, but the leakage currents are present. Clock gating works by taking the enable signal of the circuitry, so that flip flops or devices present in latches will not switch the states, so that switching power reduces. So it is necessary to have enable conditions in order to get benefit from clock gating. The clock gating saves the power. Clock gating can be added in two ways: By writing the RTL code, the synthesis tool automatically translates the RTL code into clock gating logic. In order to gate the clock of specific modules or registers manually clock gating circuit can be inserted by instantiating library the specific ICG cells. Using automated the clock gating tools, clock gating is inserted in semi automatic fashion. These tools will insert ICG cells to RTL code or directly add the enable conditions to RTL code. 2.7  Pipelining It is group of data processing elements, which are connected in series, so that output of one element is the input to next element. We build a pipeline by dividing the complex operation into simple operation. Here instead of taking bulk thing and executing it, the bulk thing is break up into smaller pieces and process it one after another. For example Consider a calculation c= log(|a+b|), which consist of three operations, which are shown in fig 2.7. Fig 2.7 Pipelining example Add a and b to get a+b, it takes 40ns. Take the magnitude, we get as |a+b|, it takes 35 ns. Take the log we get as log(|a+b|), it takes 60ns. Consider a situation when we need to carry out for 100 such pairs. Without pipelining , it would take a total of 100*135= 13500ns. By realization, it is found that it is whole sequential process. Let the values evaluated to be a1 to a100 and we need to add values to be b1 to b100. In first evaluation, ( a1+b1)is calculated, In next evaluation, |a1+b1|,(a2+b2) is calculated, in third evaluation log|a1+b1|,|a2+b2|, ( a3+b3) is evaluated. After the first output data that is log|(a1+b1)|, the subsequent outputs are log|(a2+b2)|, log|(a3+ b3)| will now start arriving at a gap of 60ns . All the 100 inputs can be applied in 199*60=5940ns and the total time taken to evaluate 100 data will be 5940+180= 6120ns. This time is half compared without pipelining. This process of evaluation is called pipelinlng. 2.8 Literature review Algorithms are classified in 4 classes: Basic structures Geometry based Heuristics Hardware based 2.8.1  Basic structures a. Linear search: This algorithm[1], is very simple. It contains all the rules. Here each packet is matched opposite to all the rules until the corresponding fields of the packet should match to the rule. Although, it is simple, it is not widely used. Because, it takes the large time for matching with the rule. Consider N is the number of rules, â€Å"the worst case space and time complexity is O(N),where O is the order and N is the number of rules. Fig below shows the linear structure. Fig 2.8.1.a Linear search algorithm b. Hierarchial trie: It is an extension part of the binary trie. By using the individual bits of the search key, the branches of the trie can be traversed. In the d dimensional hierarchial trie[2], first bulid the one dimensional hierarchial trie which is called F1 trie. Foe each prefix P in the F1 trie, there is a recursively (d-1) dimensional hierarchial tries are present(Tp). For example, if the data structure is 2 dimensional the only one F1 trie is present. Hierarchial tries are also termed as multilevel tries or backtracking tries or tries of trie. Womens Roles in Anime: The Reflection of Japanese Society Womens Roles in Anime: The Reflection of Japanese Society What do the portrayals of women in Japanese animation reveal about the role of women in Japanese society today? The role of women in Japanese culture is an important topic amongst when discussing contemporary Japan. While it is important to consider traditional methods of analysis that come from statistics and surveys, you also need to look at how popular culture defines the modern Japanese woman. Japanese animation can provide a tool to analysis of the role of women in Japanese society. Through looking at women and they are portrayed in Japanese animation over the decade, we can begin to see the role of women in contemporary Japanese society. The purpose of this discussion is to determine a connection between Japanese animation (a form of popular culture) and the role of women (whether this role is shifting or remaining conservative) in contemporary Japanese society. In order to understand the link between Japanese animation and society, it is important to consider the meaning of these terms and how they relate to each other. Martinez defines popular culture as the culture of the masses; which does apply to the Japanese culture. Nevertheless, other opinions raise the point to how popular culture is a problematic term when translating it into the Japanese context. According to Hidetoshi Kato, a Japanese scholar, the term popular culture as taishu bunka; translates into mass culture. However, Martinezs definition is a middle of the road definition for the terms offered by Kato. In addition, Martinez defines the anthropology of popular culture as the study of the interaction between the apparently separate realms of the material and the symbolic. Other anthropologist such as Roger Buckley agrees with Martinez, stating that popular culture should tell us something about contemporary Japanese behavior. The images presented by Japanese animation including its related cousin, manga, or Japanese comics have helped shape the identity of modern Japanese women. Japanese animation, or anime, is useful when studying the role of women in society. Popular culture serves to reflect and instigate change in Japanese society, by observing the changes and themes in anime, these trends are identifiable. Popular culture also helps one to understand the dynamics of Japanese society and culture. While the behaviors identified are not Japanese, such as conformity, loyalty and deference8, there are certain subtle undertones that make themes and characters that make them Japanese. Lastly, Japanese animation industry caters for both sexes across a wide age group. This is important, because unlike the animation industry in the United States whereupon childrens programming is largely aimed at young boys. Japanese animation makes it possible to gain an insight into the role of women in society because both sexes views are represented. This provides a foundation for observing how the role of women in Japanese society can be studied through examining their role in Japanese animation. Japanese animation is interesting to study when observing the roles of gender because of the way it written for diverse tastes and it differs from Western animation. Anime has often been described as edgy, provocative, and documentary-like; these industry buzzwords describe anime as a different expression of animation, when it is not. In reality, the Japanese have embraced animation as an expression that goes beyond the standard set by Disney. Anime includes animation catered for all age groups. Anime content ranges from superb works to trashy soap operas or pornography; however, they play an important role in Japans popular culture by providing a legacy of past ideals. Respected writer Frederik Schodt has split the anime available into two distinct halves as defined by the gender, Boys comic [shonen] anime carefully balance suspense with humor, dramatic stories of sports, adventure, ghosts, science fiction, and school life. Girls comic anime [shojo] also strive for balance but are distinguished by their tales of idealized love. Given the range to choose from, it is important to analyze a number of sources to see how anime reflects the position of women in Japanese society, but to examine them with an open mind. Reaction to anime has been filled with distaste. Film critics have both embraced and criticized Japanese animation. Mamorum Oshiis theatrical adaption of Shirow Masamunes Ghost in the Shell, regarded as a movie that questions what it is that makes us human by many, has been lauded as a spectacular-looking Japanese animated film, but like so many of its kind, involves a confusing narrative and peculiar metaphysics that reduce interest16. To avoid generalizations it is important to look at works from a several genres to how anime portrays Japanese women in society. To observe the role of women as portrayed in anime with a female-specific target audience, Komodo no Omocha (1996) will be used to analyzed. To see how women are being represented in anime that is targeted at a male demographic, Dragon Ball Z (199?) will form the basis of analysis. Finally, a recent work from Japans most respected and successful animation studio today, Studio Ghibli, will be analyzed Mononoke Hime (1997). The importance of studying Studio Ghiblis work is to see how women are portrayed by an animation studio whose works reach a very wide audience, that typically cross the gender and age boundaries. While this analysis will not prove to be the final answer, it will prove an interesting investigation when considering what images of femininity have been projected onto Japanese society over the past decade. Kodomo no Omocha was a popular series that aired on Japanese television in the mid 1990 is, compared to many shojo anime, Kodomo no Omocha is radical, though it is by far not the only one. The story is a comedy fused with typical shojo elements love interests, and pretty artwork. The female lead is a young girl named Sana, who lives with her eccentric, but loving, mother and Rei, her personal manager. Unlike other female characters that will be analyzed, Sana is loud, outspoken and is not intimidated by anyone. She is works hard to do her best at her job (she is a famous star of a childrens TV program), friends and family. While she exhibits traditionally female qualities, she is not the stereotypical wholly subservient female character. Even though she is only a child, she stresses the importance of her job. Her mother is another strong female role within the anime. She is intelligent, in control and the men are more likely to be subservient to her than anything else is. Other fema les in the show lean towards conservative Japan, such as when Sanas female teacher cries and runs to another male teacher for assistance whenever the class acts up. The male characters are traditionally empowered, though like many a shojo anime, have soft sides to their personalities. The depiction of the two main female characters, Sana and her mother, offer an insight into the modern Japanese woman as having the capacity to be strong, yet gentle and compassionate. Dragon Ball Z offers an interesting insight into the portrayal of women in anime aimed at a male demographic. The reason this is an interesting series to look at is its popularity and the way it portrays gender roles. Women are portrayed in few roles in this anime. The female roles are dismally backwards. Dragon Ball Z has portrayed the role of women as subservient/secondary at their core. It has pointed out that fundamental beliefs about gender roles are difficult to change in any society, including Japans, The show is very male-centric, emphasizing strength, discipline and hard work as the key to being successful in the world. On the other hand, this is a martial arts anime, so this should not be a surprising aspect. One of the women who appear regularly is the protagonists female friend Bulma, an intelligent scientist. Bulma is a gifted inventor and often creates something that will aid her group of friends in whatever plight they are in. Bulma is portrayed as a confident, intelli gent woman who, while not of equal status, remains an important part of the team. However, when she is put in a position of danger, she falls into the damsel in distress stereotype all too common in male-orientated anime. She is rescued one way or another, but is often the least of the groups priorities she is often rescued as an after-thought, as opposed to being a genuine critical concern. This is a good example of what Eri Izawa determines as the Unequal Relationship genre, where women are second to men in a world dominated by patriarchy. Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata founded studio Ghibli in 1985. The importance with studying work by Studio Ghibli is because their productions (which are theatrical) have such widespread appeal in Japanese society. A large number of Japans populace sees the stories that are created here. The films cross the divides of age and gender. The movie that is I am looking at is Mononoke Hime. It grossed approximately US$150 million at the box office, beaten only by Titanic. In Mononoke Hime, the story centers on three principle characters San, the Wolf Princess, Lady Eboshi and prince Ashitaka, the pillar between which these two women are placed. One of interesting strengths of this film is the way in which the opposing characters, San and Lady Eboshi, are portrayed. Both are strong, powerful women, sure of themselves and their world. Lady Eboshi is a superlative example of the new woman of Japan. She is in charge of a profitable ironworks that employs people regarded as beneath society (prostitutes and lepers), leading by compassion, returning dignity and purpose to their lives. San is the other extreme; she lives in the forest of the Deer God, raised by the great wolf gods who dwell there. San is a strong female character who follows a more natural way of life; as opposed to the entrepreneurial mindset of Lady Eboshi, San is dedicated to preserving the forest and the creatures that dwell within. Miyazaki is portraying the capacity of women to be strong, competent and successful. San represents the capacity of women to be strong in the dwelling of the traditional while Lady Eboshi is an example of how women can be successful and entrepreneurial in the face of modernization. From three examples, it is easy to see these reflections on the role of women are present in contemporary Japanese society. Martinez admits that it is difficult to discover what the true role of Japanese women in Japanese society are in a perceived country where men are still dominant [and] Japanese women are held to be gentle, submissive and beautiful. Historically, Japanese womens suffrage was achieved in 1945 and it is noted that while Japanese women may be able to find jobs, it is far more difficult to find careers, even today. However, public opinion is changing. There is clear that the role of women in Japan is no longer the traditional housewife/mother. Surveys by the Prime Ministers Office in 1987 and 1995 show a shift in public opinion of women, while in 1987 over 50% of the men surveyed agreed with the traditional role of women in Japan, by 1995 the percentage had dropped to 33%. The state of Japanese animation over the past decade reveals a relative parallel between the co ntent of Japanese animation and these results. The role of women in anime such as Kodomo no Omocha gives girls a role model unlike the traditionally submissive, quiet woman in the face of Sanas eccentric, enthusiastic nature that is rewarded by success. Studio Ghiblis films have portrayed women as equal, confident and able to take charge in their lives. Anime aimed at boys retain the portrayal of women as bystanders, whether it be the token damsel in distress or cheerleader. However, that is changing; Japanese animation aimed at the boys has begun to portray women beyond this traditional stereotype. Several productions such as Ranma 1/2 and Love Hina offered a cast of characters that serve to put women on equal ground as men in some cases, though there is still the re-enforcement of traditional gender roles. Japanese animation is an established form of pop culture. It is consumed by both sexes and across all age groups, and offers a series of representations of women. While it has become apparent through observing trends in Japanese animation and contemporary Japanese society is an apparent shift, however, it is important to identify that the traditional role of women will probably always manifest itself in pop culture. This is because the traditional role of women is an option, just as choosing a career or being entrepreneurial are choices. What is encouraging to see is that those choices are being represented, either directly or indirectly, in anime. It speaks well for the future of Japanese society as alternative roles of women are being portrayed for both sexes in the culture of the masses. Reference: Martinez, D.P. (1998). The Worlds of Japanese popular culture: gender, shifting boundaries [UK, Cambridge UP, p. 3]. Hidetoshi, K. (1989). Some Thoughts on Japanese popular culture. Richard Gid Powers Hidetoshi, K. (1989). Handbook of Japanese popular culture. Greenwood Press. Buckley, R. (1990). Japan today. Cambridge: UP. Schodt, F.L. (1983). Manga! manga! the world of japanese comics. USA: Kodansha. Izawa, E. (2001). Japanese manga and animation: gender relations in manga and anime. Retrieved from (abridged) Robertson, J. (1998). Takarazuka: sexual politics and popular culture in modern japan. University of California. Dimensions of Japanese society: gender, margins and mainstream. Great Britain: Macmillan Press Ltd.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Industrialization and Immigration Essay -- Industrial Immigrants Essay

An outburst in growth of America’s big city population, places of 100,000 people or more jumped from about 6 million to 14 million between 1880 and 1900, cities had become a world of newcomers (551). America evolved into a land of factories, corporate enterprise, and industrial worker and, the surge in immigration supplied their workers. In the latter half of the 19th century, continued industrialization and urbanization sparked an increasing demand for a larger and cheaper labor force. The country's transformation from a rural agricultural society into an urban industrial nation attracted immigrants worldwide. As free land and free labor disappeared and as capitalists dominated the economy, dramatic social, political, and economic tensions were created. Religion, labor, and race relations were questioned; populist and progressive thoughts were developed; social Darwinism and nativism movements were launched. The influx of immigrants created availability for cheap labor, which in turn led to corrupt business practices, urban political machines, and "white slavery". To curtail these "evils" present in society, progressivism was developed. The goals of progressivism were simple: to decrease poverty levels, to establish local charities, to fight for social justice, and to bring back good government practices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Between 1870 and 1890, in just 20 years, the population increased from 40 million to 60 million. Part of this increase was due to the high birth rate, but a significant portion of the increase was due to immigration. A handful of capitalists and entrepreneurs saw profit from heavy industrialization. However, the success of their companies resided in the availability of a working class. Immigrants to the United States, willing to do anything to set a foothold in the nation, accepted cheap labor as employment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Large corporations used this to their advantage. Profit oriented leaders did little to make suitable working conditions. With the aid of Muckrakers, journalists who exposed the underside of American life, the nation began to understand the "evils" of industrialization (599). More and more did Americans escalate their concern for reforms. The reformists promoting the ideals of Progressivism were moralists and championed the ideals of human rights. Progressivism embraced a widespread, many-sided effort after 1900 to build a better soc... ...strialists would continue as long as the industrial sector pervaded, in turn, the industry would continue to grow as long as their was a consistent supply of cheap labor, hence the influx of immigration by increasing industrial activity evoked Social Darwinism. With the startling growth of immigration, in what seemed like overnight, immigrants were met with hostility as they were the target of religious differences as well as labor unrest, the promoted sentiment was termed, nativism. As the continuation of industrialization and urbanization sparked an increasing demand for a larger and cheaper labor force; an influx in immigrants from all over Europe, migrated in pursuit of higher wages. As the industrial revolution progressed, the country evolved from a rural agricultural society into an urban industrial nation. Capitalists now dominated the economy, sparking dramatic social, political, and economic tensions for immigrants. Although, the progressivism movement assisted immigrants by alleviating work conditions, immigrants were still left to face social and economic tension as they became the new competition for low wage earners and were ostracized for religious differences.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Survey of Education Essay -- College University Education Essays

Survey of Education A formal education is a very valuable tool in today’s society. But why is it important, and what exactly makes up an education? I will attempt to explain these question through a variety of ways. As a current University student, I know what my education and college experience means to me, but I also want to know what other students think the purpose of an education is. I will investigate what exactly students learn and have learned at the Uof A. Then I will contrast the thought of traditional and non-traditional students. First to get an accurate picture of the thoughts of UofA students, I had to choose a variety of students. They included both male and female, traditional and non-traditional students. I composed a poll which asked seven questions. Each question was asked on an individual level, and I expected those polled to be able to only answer for themselves. My questions read as followed: 1. Why are you in college and, in particular, at the Uof A? 2. What is you definition of the word education? 3. Do you think you earn an education, receive it, labor over it, or achieve it? 4. What will you get out of your University education? 5. Do you think you needed the college experience as opposed to going straight into the â€Å"real world†? 6. What have you really learned while you’ve been here? 7. What are the benefits of a University education? Now I will first attempt to answer my own questions. Firstly, I am in the University because I think a degree will be essential for the work level which I want to enter. I also have been strongly influenced by my parents in the decision of coming to college. My father has c... ...ey didn’t have a chance to learn earlier. Many non-traditional students have to really struggle over going back to school because they must make time out of their established life. Traditional students can learn a lot from older students. Usually, younger students complain when they have non-traditional students in their classes. This is because the older students tend to ask many questions and really want to understand something before they move on. They are in class because they want to be. Younger kids shouldn’t get frustrated in class when people ask questions and want to learn more about a subject. We, instead should realize that one day we will look back and see you important college was and what an opportunity we had. Traditional students need to take seriously and understand this could be the only time in our lives when we have an opportunity to learn. Survey of Education Essay -- College University Education Essays Survey of Education A formal education is a very valuable tool in today’s society. But why is it important, and what exactly makes up an education? I will attempt to explain these question through a variety of ways. As a current University student, I know what my education and college experience means to me, but I also want to know what other students think the purpose of an education is. I will investigate what exactly students learn and have learned at the Uof A. Then I will contrast the thought of traditional and non-traditional students. First to get an accurate picture of the thoughts of UofA students, I had to choose a variety of students. They included both male and female, traditional and non-traditional students. I composed a poll which asked seven questions. Each question was asked on an individual level, and I expected those polled to be able to only answer for themselves. My questions read as followed: 1. Why are you in college and, in particular, at the Uof A? 2. What is you definition of the word education? 3. Do you think you earn an education, receive it, labor over it, or achieve it? 4. What will you get out of your University education? 5. Do you think you needed the college experience as opposed to going straight into the â€Å"real world†? 6. What have you really learned while you’ve been here? 7. What are the benefits of a University education? Now I will first attempt to answer my own questions. Firstly, I am in the University because I think a degree will be essential for the work level which I want to enter. I also have been strongly influenced by my parents in the decision of coming to college. My father has c... ...ey didn’t have a chance to learn earlier. Many non-traditional students have to really struggle over going back to school because they must make time out of their established life. Traditional students can learn a lot from older students. Usually, younger students complain when they have non-traditional students in their classes. This is because the older students tend to ask many questions and really want to understand something before they move on. They are in class because they want to be. Younger kids shouldn’t get frustrated in class when people ask questions and want to learn more about a subject. We, instead should realize that one day we will look back and see you important college was and what an opportunity we had. Traditional students need to take seriously and understand this could be the only time in our lives when we have an opportunity to learn.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Samah Elmeri International Marketing 17 November, 2013 Abercrombie & Fitch Introduction For the purposes of this paper we will be discussing the boycott effects on Abercrombie & Fitch; a U.S based clothing company. At first we will analyse the concept of boycotting international companies to understand the different choices boycotters make when targeting the guilty company. We will look at the history of the company; it’s beginnings, evolution of concept, failures and successes. An important part of this paper will be assessing the main factors and reasons that led to the boycott. We are going to be analysing the effects of the boycott keeping in mind that although the reasons behind the controversial boycott have taken place a couple of years ago, only in 2013 has the boycott been initiated by several different parties involved. To be able to understand what triggered the boycott to begin we are going to try to understand how it all came about to begin with. There are several concerned parties in the boycott and each have their own agenda and reasoning to boyco tt the company. To give a more thorough analysis of the initiators of this particular boycott their relation to one another will be discussed in the paper. Another important part of the boycott is the different types of effects that these boycotters have on the company. We will closely study the reasons, the effects, the affected parties, and the path for damage control and reconciliation chosen by Abercrombie & Fitch as well as its results both the negative and the positive. Finally we will discuss the effectiveness of the boycott on the Abercrombie’s internationalization, market strategy, competitiveness, and market activities. Boycott History of Abercrombie and F... ...escribes Jeffries business savvy skills saying; â€Å"If history is any indication, Jeffries won’t let anyone — â€Å"girlcotting† high school feminists, humourless Asians, angry shareholders, thong-hating parents, lawsuit-happy minorities, nosy journalists, copycat competitors or uptight moralists — get in his way.† Another important issue that was addressed in the Business Report article is the fact that A&F only carries larger sizes in the men’s clothing because athletes are expected to buy A&F clothes however in the women’s clothing lines sizes are smaller and do not carry to larger sized females. â€Å"He doesn’t want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people,† Lewis said. â€Å"He doesn’t want his core customers to see people who aren’t as hot as them wearing his clothing. People who wear his clothing should feel like they’re one of the ‘cool kids.â€℠¢Ã¢â‚¬ 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bosu Balance Trainer Essay

BOSU has used a few types of competitive advantage`s principles in order to defeat copycat products. BOSU created a new product and locked in customers and buyers by establishing alliances with trainers. BOSU`s marketing strategy created market entry barriers. 2. Information systems played a key role in BOSU`s success. Fitness Quest maintains a database of trainer data. It uses that database for email and postal correspondence as well as for other marketing purposes. Fitness Quest was crucial in the process of BOSU developing a successful marketing strategy. By Fitness Quest database of trainer data, BOSU was able to establish alliances and lock in consumers and buyers. 3. There are many ideas that could be used by Fitness Quest in order to develop its information systems. The main idea would be to help to strengthen ties between customers and between costumers and trainers. Trainers could share ideas about fitness classes for example. There could be also an available chat for customers, so BOSU buyers could participate in chat groups about how they like and use their BOSU trainers. 4. Through trainers, BOSU was able to differentiate. BOSU`s focus was on fitness trainers within the industry. This worked because the trainers believed the BOSU was the best product for giving customer value, which built a relationship between each customer and the product. 5. 1.enhance products and services 2.differentiate products and services 3.lock in customers and trainers 4.raise barrier to market 5.entry and establish alliances 6. There are many differences between BOSU and Indo-Row since those are two completely different products with two different goals. BOSU product focused on balance and Indo-row focused on total work out (it competes with other equipment-based forms of group exercise as Spinning). Indo-row is also more expensive than BOSU and there is no direct competitor since the product is new in the market. The main threat Indo-row and BOSU may face is the possibility of competing with a copycat product in future. 7. It would be already expected from Fitness Quest to send the Indo-row information to trainers and clients by database provided through email and mail. It would be also interesting to provide seminars and training for trainers in order to instruct them how to use the product (so they would be able to teach people how to get the best out of Indo-row). Customers and trainers group chats would be also a good idea, so they would be able to interchange opinions about the product.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reaction Paper on Management Ethics Essay

Management, when studied and applied has a broad spectrum. Not only do we have to consider the profit of an organization, but we also have to consider whether an organization and their production of goods lead to meeting the needs of the common good efficiently and effectively. Based on Peter Drucker’s Agency theory, â€Å"Management is the organ of institutions; one which converts a mob into an organization, and human efforts into performance. This basically speaks of the skills and competencies of the workers and their effectiveness and efficiency to give an output that meets the desired and quality accepted outcome. During our first meeting, we were asked which one between effectiveness and efficiency will we prioritize provided that circumstances come. Sure, both are significant in accomplishing a goal but in the event that we have to prioritize one, which one will be it? I remember answering efficiency because based on my experience as a nurse; we cannot achieve effectiveness without being efficient with a certain task. We were taught about being efficient in every nursing skill that we do because we are dealing with the lives of the people. In contrast to my nursing background, I further understood that in business, sometimes the priority is effectiveness because in an organization, meeting a deadline is sometimes synonymous to the credibility of the team. On the one hand, in defining skills, it is the application of knowledge to be able to do a job suitable for the goals and concepts one (specifically a manager) has created. To understand the three types of management skills that we’ve learned during the class discussion, which are technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills, it was presented in a pyramid wherein on top is the Top Management who acquires the conceptual skills, next is the Middle Management who acquires the people skills and at the bottom of the pyramid is the Supervisory Management who fundamentally has all the competencies for the technical skills. As I view this model, the top management is the one who comes up with a concept of a project and delegates it to his subordinates. There should always be a captain of the ship in order to move forward and meet the demands of the company. The captain should be able to acquire not only leadership skills but also the ability to plan, organize and come up with ideas that will guide his team in achieving their specific goals. His position does not mean he knows nothing about the technical skills, it just means that he is less required in the technical field; less entailed to do the technical skills because he needs to supervise the organization from his view on top. However, his workers or the people underneath him are in-charge of the technicality of getting the concepts done to provide sustainable and efficient goods and services. On the other hand, the differentiation of Mainstream and Multistream approach as discussed by Dyck in his Management book is a guide for all Managers in handling his organization including his production having the 4 M’s (Man, Machine, Material, and Method) to help him achieve his company’s goals. Basically, in Management, Multistream approach is the more ideal way to lead one’s organization as compared to the Mainstream approach. Multistream comprises the ethics of business that points out to the production of goods and service for the common good. Multistream approach, in relation to SMART goals, means it has to always be meaningful besides being profitable. The goal being significant should appeal to the interests of both the company and its stakeholders. Moreover, it should be decided as a team, giving a chance to everyone involved to participate in the decision-making. I think that a Multistream approach in Management makes a successful company because the Manager considers the entire company, even his manpower, in planning, organizing, leading and controlling the organization. He does not only think of the profit but also think of how it will benefit them and their customers as a whole. The gain of the company is also his gain in a holistic sense, giving meaning to the dignity of all the workers, and giving them credits and rewards for great jobs they accomplish. This particular approach concisely means putting the ethics of business at the center of the goals which are set to meet the standards of customers, stakeholders and the company itself. To add, the Law of the Situation according to Mary Parker Follett states that managers must continuously analyze the unique circumstances within their organizations and apply management concepts to fit those circumstances. A manager should be flexible to changes and adjustments for further improvements. Take for example a company who has had a meeting regarding a concept of a project wherein the team has participatively agreed on certain terms and conditions; and has provided their own inputs in order to achieve their goals. During the intervention of the plans, certain circumstances have occurred and problems have encountered; and maybe things may not be followed according to plan, a manager can still be consistent in such a way that he continuously uses the Multistream approach in accepting and reacting to changes with optimism and set new or additional goals in order to sustain the demands of the concepts. Some circumstances are unavoidable and are out of the team’s control so the best way to manipulate the condition is to improve and be critical in arriving with decisions based on the ethical values of business management. Moreover, despite the pressure of the circumstances involved, re-setting and adjustment of plans in a Multistream perspective will continuously benefit not only the manager himself but the company as whole. It will also drive everyone to succeed on the target profit because the approach made was systematically for everyone and not only for the personal gain of the manager. In relation to the ethical views of business management as perceived in the two short films, Catholic Social Teaching is a very instrumental guide in most corporations. According to Stefano Zamagni, even non-Christians and nonbelievers consult the Social Teachings of the Church. The social teaching involves human dignity wherein each and everyone is a living image of God, recognizing every individual as unique. There is also what we call rights, specifically human rights which are the universal rights. Furthermore, the social teachings involved in Radical Idealism vs. Socialism–union of principles to improve and not to favor—are the justice in the society, adherence to the common good (in which a manager cannot sacrifice the good of a community for the good of one person), solidiarity to the poor, and subsidiarity. The film also defined terms we normally use on a daily basis which we tend to neglect beyond its basic meaning. For example, it defined company as an economic endeavor to produce products in an efficient way. It is not a community of capitals but a community of people. It is also a community of work where people establish relationships and they are responsible for the work they are doing. Furthermore, it is an asset to everyone and not just to satisfy one person. To simply conclude, the principles that the Catholic is teaching are a guide to every business universally. The ethics of business always inspire the managers in decision making towards a good goal. This is also what conspires a company to be led to a Multistream perspective of management. Not only a company’s goal is to profit and receive recognitions and incentives but they also seek to provide its community the goods and services they need and they can enjoy. Companies owe the public a good service so to be able to meet the community’s expectations including that of the stakeholeders, they, in all aspects must abide to the principle of the Catholic Social Teachings and always take note of the rights of every human being has. This will guide the leaders to operate in such a way that it meets the standards of the Multistream approach and be able to help create a community of workers who are equally rewarded, achieving a common and unified goal, and establishing healthy relationships towards co-workers and towards the stakeholders, suppliers, and customers.